Soup Baby Dishes

Soup Baby Dishes

by Sunny kitchen

4.6 (1)







Light version, home-style version of the soup baby dishes"


Soup Baby Dishes

1. Prepare a high-quality soup baby cabbage, a ham sausage, open the baby cabbage and wash

Soup Baby Dishes recipe

2. Cut each leaf of baby cabbage from the middle, one portion is two, ham finely diced, green pepper diced, garlic clove minced

Soup Baby Dishes recipe

3. Pour oil in a wok, stir fry the minced garlic, add 2 bowls of water, add salt, chicken essence, and half of the ham diced to a boil, add baby cabbage and cook

Soup Baby Dishes recipe

4. Take out the cooked baby cabbage and place it in a large bowl. Use baby cabbage cores to make a flower and place it in the middle. Add the remaining broth in the wok to the other half of the chicken, ham and green peppers, add water, starch, and cook. Open, pour evenly on the baby cabbage

Soup Baby Dishes recipe


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