Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce

Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce

by Meaty 6636

4.6 (1)







When black pepper meets spaghetti... let's have a happy spaghetti noodles!


Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce

1. Dice green peppers, tomatoes, onions, and ham and set aside

Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

2. Beat the egg and starch into the pork filling. I personally like to add more pepper to taste to remove the meaty smell of the pork, and then mix the meat well.

Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

3. Prepare the pasta

Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

4. Take the spaghetti for two persons, put it in boiling water and cook until there are no hard cores. I bought the straight type No. 4, and boiled in boiling water for 9 minutes, but I was worried that it would not be cooked, so I cooked for 15 minutes , It turns out that it’s really good to cook for a while. After the noodles are cooked, remove the cold water and then drain them into the dish

Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

5. Pour olive oil into the wok. In fact, you can also use edible oil such as soybean oil, but the olive oil is more fragrant, which I personally like

Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

6. When the oil in the pot is heated to 8 minutes, pour the prepared meat into the pot and stir-fry

Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

7. When the minced meat is cooked until 80% cooked, pour the set vegetables prepared in step 1 into the pot and stir fry

Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

8. Add the black hujiang sauce and stir the ingredients in the wok, add a small amount of water and cover the pot and simmer for 5 minutes, then pour the meat sauce on the pasta.

Spaghetti with Black Pepper Meat Sauce recipe


Because I am a carnivorous animal, there are more meat fillings in the meat sauce. I can add or subtract according to my taste, but... the meat is really delicious, hehe! The self-made products are very cost-effective... and no worse than Western restaurants! Come on!


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