Spicy Beef Tendon

Spicy Beef Tendon

by Food·Color

4.7 (1)







It is very frustrating that beef flat tendons cannot be cooked into a soft and waxy texture like hoof tendons. I couldn't find a way to deal with the beef ribs, so I had to hide the beef ribs from the beef in the deep of the refrigerator until I saw the spicy beef ribs.
Although I am not interested in spicy beef board tendon, this seems to be the only solution to beef board tendon that can be found at the moment. Then do it. If you don't eat it yourself, someone will eat it.
Even using the pressure cooker does not make the beef ribs soft, it is still tenacious. The key to making beef board tendons chewy is to cut the tendons horizontally. Use an oblique knife perpendicular to the grain of the beef slab to form a large piece. The beef slab is not so hard to eat. And those who like to eat the tenacity can also be torn into small strips, but people with bad teeth will have too much effort to eat.
Cut the beef ribs and mix in the various ingredients. The spicy beef ribs is actually a good side dish. . . . "


Spicy Beef Tendon

1. Ingredients: 130g beef ribs, several peppercorns, 1 star anise, 1 small piece of ginger, 2 cloves of garlic, 2 green onions, a little salt, a little chicken powder, a little pepper powder, a little sugar, a little pepper, sesame oil A little, a little cooking oil, and an appropriate amount of Laoganma tempeh sauce.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

2. Wash the beef ribs and remove the tendons attached to the surface.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

3. Put it in a pressure cooker, add appropriate amount of water, pepper and star anise.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

4. Close the lid, place the pressure limiting valve, cook on high heat to the upper pressure, and continue to cook for 50 minutes.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

5. After cooking, wait until the pressure of the pressure cooker is exhausted, remove it, and remove the remaining fascia on the surface.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

6. Cut into thin slices with a diagonal knife and set aside.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

7. Wash the ginger and garlic, pat and chop finely, wash the green onion and cut into chopped green onion for later use.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

8. Heat up the pan and add some cooking oil.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

9. Heat the oil to warm, add minced ginger and garlic, stir fry for a fragrance.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

10. Pour the oil, minced ginger and garlic into the cut beef ribs.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

11. Add oil chili, salt, chicken powder, pepper powder, fine sugar, and mix well.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

12. Pour in a little sesame oil and mix well.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

13. Add appropriate amount of Laoganma tempeh sauce and mix well.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

14. Finally, add chopped green onion.

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe

15. Mix well and eat!

Spicy Beef Tendon recipe


Beef ribs are not easy to soften, so using a pressure cooker can save time.
The various seasonings for the beef slab tendon can be increased or decreased according to your own taste.


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