Spicy Dried River Fish

Spicy Dried River Fish

by sourcehe

4.7 (1)







Spicy dried river fish is my favorite dish when I go to my grandmother's house. When I was young, I would eat this dish whenever I went to my grandmother's house. Grandpa would always go fishing in the nearby mountains and rivers, and then dry it. When I passed by, my grandma would take it out and cook it for me. It’s winter, I miss home, I miss my grandma and grandpa, make this dish, and bring the taste of miss. . "


Spicy Dried River Fish

1. Prepare ingredients: dried river fish, green peppers, red peppers, chives and other ingredients;

Spicy Dried River Fish recipe

2. Wash the red pepper, green pepper and chives separately and cut them;

Spicy Dried River Fish recipe

3. Heat the pan, pour the oil, add the dried river fish, garlic, and ginger, fry over a low heat until slightly yellow, and start the pan;

Spicy Dried River Fish recipe

4. Use the remaining oil in the pan to sauté the chilies until they are ripe;

Spicy Dried River Fish recipe

5. Add the fried dried fish, add cooking wine and light soy sauce;

Spicy Dried River Fish recipe

6. Collect the juice, add salt and chives and cook.

Spicy Dried River Fish recipe

7. Spicy and delicious, the taste of hometown. The smell of grandma.

Spicy Dried River Fish recipe


1. Use low heat when frying the dried fish;
2. The chili pepper can be removed from the seeds, but it is not so spicy, and the taste is good;
3. Put more cooking wine and light soy sauce, you can cook the fish until it tastes good;


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