Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce

by Moonlight's small kitchen

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It's the season to eat wild vegetables once again. For many foodies who have a special liking for wild vegetables, they must not be lazy. Hawthorn is rich in nutrients and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. Today I used it to make sauces. Small steamed buns, don’t be too delicious...


Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce

1. First prepare the ingredients, pick and wash the leeks.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

2. Pick off the old leaves and roots of the hawthorn, wash and drain the water.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

3. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot to boil, add the washed hawthorn, boil for about 1 minute, disintegrate, remove the cold water, soak for two hours, remove and drain the water.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

4. Chop the hawthorn and chives with a knife and set aside.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

5. Wash the pork belly and cut it into small cubes with a knife, and chop the green onion and ginger.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

6. Put the pork belly and green onion ginger into a larger container, and pour the cooking wine to taste.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

7. Then add soybean paste, pepper powder, chicken essence and salt.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

8. Mix all the ingredients and seasonings and mix well.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

9. At this time, add chopped hawthorn and chives, and peanut oil.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

10. Mix all the ingredients and stir well, and the filling is ready.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

11. Roll the dumpling skin you bought with a rolling pin to thin it.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

12. Put the right amount of filling on the dough and wrap it in the shape you like. I like to put a little more filling, it tastes delicious.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

13. Wrap all the small buns in turn.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe

14. Put the wrapped small steamed buns into the steaming box, steam for 15 minutes at 100 degrees and simmer for 3 minutes. If it is a vegetarian stuffing, it is recommended to steam for 8 minutes.

Steamed Buns with Pork and Haw Sauce recipe


Hawthorn is a wild vegetable. It must be blanched in advance and soaked for more than two hours. I usually blanch it and soak it overnight, and then make it the next day...


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