Steamed Turbot

Steamed Turbot

by Meimeijia's Kitchen

4.9 (1)







Steamed Turbot, just two simple steps! Tender and tasteless, even fresher than what the restaurant makes!

Fish is a kind of food that everyone likes. Isn’t there a saying: Four-legged fish is not as good as two-legged food, and two-legged fish is not as good as legless. This legless fish has better nutrition than chicken, duck, beef and mutton. ! Tonic in autumn, fish is the best ingredient.

There are many kinds of fish nowadays, and everyone can choose according to their needs. On weekdays, my family usually eats traditional grass carp, carp, crucian carp, etc., but every weekend, I have to buy some spineless and tender meat for my children. Varieties, my children especially like to eat Turbot. They must be ordered every time they go to restaurants. Turbot has a big main spine, which is especially suitable for children who can't spit out thorns!

However, many people do not have a good impression on Turbot, saying that Turbot has a smelly smell and is not delicious. Actually, the processing method and method of Turbot is different from the fish with scales that we usually eat. There is fishy. Taste, that's the wrong way of processing it. As long as you clean it up, you will find that the Turbot is really delicious, the meat is tender and less thorny and easy to taste, the method is very simple!

Today, Meimei will tell you in detail the handling and methods of Turbot. Friends who like to eat fish may wish to spend 2 minutes to read this article.
Everyone knows that when we usually make fish, the first step is to remove the scales. Removing the scales can not only improve the taste, but more importantly, remove the fishy, ​​but what if the turbot has no phosphorus? Many people just wash and start doing it, no wonder it will be very fishy.

Although the turbot has a strange figure and has no scales, it has a kind of glue on the surface. This glue is the source of the fishy smell, so before cooking, let's remove this layer of glue. Please read on for details. , There is a very detailed introduction in the operation steps.
The most important thing is to deal with turbot, but don’t worry, every household has it in the kitchen. Since learning this method, I really fell in love with turbot. I must buy it once a week, on weekends. The supermarket's mid-year celebration, it only cost 22 a catty. I bought a super big one cleanly, and the family just solved the hunger! A turbot weighing 4 catties is done in one meal! My son said, the turbot I made was better than the restaurant’s!

For the health of your family, eat less pork and more fish. Come and see how to do it in detail! This is really delicious and delicious.


Steamed Turbot

1. Turbot has no scales, but there is a thick gel on the surface. This layer of gel is the main source of the fishy smell. When we handle it, we need to use a very special thing-steel wire ball!
Take the invincible steel wire ball, brush the fish up and down three or five times, until the water becomes clear and no greasy foam, and the fish's skin becomes rough and no longer slippery. With the steel wire ball, it is too easy to handle!
Then to deal with the internal organs, first find the right fish belly (the belly is very small), usually at the lower left of the head (the soft place is the belly), cut it open with scissors or a small sharp knife, and take out the internal organs for cleaning. This step is usually When buying fish, you can ask the store to handle it. When we go home, we only need to deal with the glue on the surface.

Steamed Turbot recipe

2. Shred the red pepper, and cut the ginger into thin strips.

Steamed Turbot recipe

3. Remove the internal organs of the turbot, wash it, drain the water, and make a few cuts in the back with a knife to make it easier to taste.

Steamed Turbot recipe

4. Sprinkle salt on both sides of the turbot and spread it with your hands.

Steamed Turbot recipe

5. Pour some cooking wine, spread it evenly and marinate for 15 minutes.

Steamed Turbot recipe

6. Turbot is a sea fish. When steamed, it is different from our steamed river fish. First of all, do not add any condiments such as green onion, ginger, etc., so as not to cover up the fragrance of fresh turbot.
When steaming, just apply a thin layer of oil on the fish first.

Steamed Turbot recipe

7. Put the fish in a pot of boiling water and steam on high heat for about 6 minutes. The time must not be too long to keep the fish fresh and tender.

Steamed Turbot recipe

8. Take the steamed turbot fish out of the pot, pour out the steamed juice, and spread shredded ginger, red pepper and chopped green onion on the back of the fish.

Steamed Turbot recipe

9. Top with light soy sauce.

Steamed Turbot recipe

10. Heat two spoons of oil and pour it on the shredded green onions. The turbot made by this method is very tender, which is much simpler and easier than making river fish. There is no smell at all, my son can kill one by himself! Friends who like to eat fish, remember to collect it and try it!

Steamed Turbot recipe


Turbot is a kind of deep-sea fish. The meat is delicate and tender. When steaming, you must not put ginger shreds in order to prevent the flavor of the seasoning from concealing the fragrance of the fish itself.
The treatment of turbot is much simpler than that of fish with scales. Just brush it with a steel wire repeatedly to remove all the gelatinous material on the surface. Just touch it with your hand and the skin becomes rough. Turbot is especially fresh when it is simply steamed.
The steamed soup must be discarded. This is the second step to remove the fishy. Two simple steps, the delicious turbot will be out of the pot, and the steaming time must not be too long!


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