Stewed Pigeon Soup

Stewed Pigeon Soup

by He Xiaohe

4.9 (1)







Pigeons are super nutritious and have a miraculous effect on wound healing. They are often used for postoperative healing. Of course, it is also very suitable for tonic.
It tastes even better with the soup treasure.


Stewed Pigeon Soup

1. Prepare the ingredients, ask the stall owner to kill the pigeons, and wash them up when they come back.

Stewed Pigeon Soup recipe

2. Put the pigeon in a casserole, add an star anise, and boil an appropriate amount of water.

Stewed Pigeon Soup recipe

3. After the fire is boiled, skim the foam. Then add the green onion and ginger slices.

Stewed Pigeon Soup recipe

4. Add a thick soup treasure to the soup.

Stewed Pigeon Soup recipe

5. Bring to a high heat again, turn to low heat, cover and simmer for three hours.

Stewed Pigeon Soup recipe

6. Stew until the meat is rotten and the soup is fresh and the yellow fat floats on the surface of the soup.

Stewed Pigeon Soup recipe

7. Sprinkle a little coriander to taste.

Stewed Pigeon Soup recipe


1. The pigeon meat is firmer, and it must be simmered for a long time before the meat becomes rotten.
2. The thick soup can make the soup more delicious and rich, so don't omit it.


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