Pigeon Soup

Pigeon Soup

by Minger Kitchen

4.8 (1)







We have an unwritten practice here, that is, people will stew pigeon soup to maintain the body after injury or surgery. It is said that the wound can heal quickly, and it will not itch or leave scars in the future. Of course, this statement may be exaggerated, but pigeon soup is indeed rich in nutrients, which can enhance physical fitness, increase skin elasticity, and improve blood circulation. Although the price of pigeons is a bit higher, you can buy a chicken for the price of a pigeon, but since the nutrition is so good and the benefits are so many, then we will stew pigeon soup for the children today. I always hear old people say that you can’t eat condiments such as green onion, ginger, soy sauce, etc. after being injured. Then use the simplest method, and you will get a mellow and delicious soup.


Pigeon Soup

1. In fact, seeing the slaughter of pigeons is really a cruel process, because the pigeons are directly put into the water to drown. This is the biological chain of all things in the world. Wash the bought pigeons and chop them into chunks.

Pigeon Soup recipe

2. Put directly into the casserole.

Pigeon Soup recipe

3. Add enough clean water to ensure that no more water is added in the middle.

Pigeon Soup recipe

4. Put the casserole on the gas, bring to a boil over medium heat, turn to low heat and simmer for about an hour.

Pigeon Soup recipe

5. Stew until the pigeon meat is well cooked, just add a little salt to season it, less salt will make the taste more delicious.

Pigeon Soup recipe


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