Eyebrow Bean Pigeon Soup

Eyebrow Bean Pigeon Soup

by Purple rhyme

4.7 (1)







Pigeon meat is not only rich in nutrition, but also has certain health benefits. It can prevent and treat a variety of diseases. Pigeon meat has the functions of nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing qi and blood, clearing heat and detoxification, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst.


Eyebrow Bean Pigeon Soup

1. Prepare the required materials

Eyebrow Bean Pigeon Soup recipe

2. The white dove let go of the water to remove the blood water, pick it up and wash it

Eyebrow Bean Pigeon Soup recipe

3. Put all the ingredients in the soup pot

Eyebrow Bean Pigeon Soup recipe

4. Add appropriate amount of water

Eyebrow Bean Pigeon Soup recipe

5. Don't fill up the water too much, 80% is enough

Eyebrow Bean Pigeon Soup recipe

6. Sit on the stove and boil on high heat, then turn to low heat for 2 hours

Eyebrow Bean Pigeon Soup recipe

7. Just add salt

Eyebrow Bean Pigeon Soup recipe


Eyebrow beans can be replaced with mung beans, and the effect of dehumidification is the same. Because mung beans are relatively cold, I personally drink something that is too cold and the body will not be able to stand it, so I changed to eyebrow beans.


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