Strawberry Jam

Strawberry Jam

by Little Wood Worm

4.6 (1)







Strawberries in the greenhouse have always smelled good and tasteless. Two of the newly bought strawberries are not tasty. I'm going to make a sweet and sour strawberry jam without preservatives and fragrances. Don't worry. "


Strawberry Jam

1. A total of almost 1,100 grams of strawberries, soaked in light salt water for ten minutes, rinsed twice with clear water. These few are left over from making strawberry jam.

Strawberry Jam recipe

2. Strawberries are relatively large, cut into three pieces and two pieces. When they are fried, they can be cut into smaller pieces.

Strawberry Jam recipe

3. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of sugar and mix well with chopsticks. Depending on personal taste, I don't put too much, probably like the amount of sugar mixed with tomatoes. Cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for one day to marinate the strawberry juice. (I planned to pickle for one day, but the QQ candy was eaten by my guest colleague in the evening, so I can only pickle for another day, but fortunately, it has no effect)

Strawberry Jam recipe

4. The marinated strawberry chunks are dangling in the strawberry juice, which is very beautiful.

Strawberry Jam recipe

5. My pan is made of non-stick material, which is just right for frying strawberry jam. Bring the fire to a boil, adjust the fire power to medium and low, remember to keep stirring, otherwise the edges will be covered with strawberry foam. Pour in the fresh lemon juice while stirring. I was afraid it would be too sour, so I squeezed a quarter of the lemon.

Strawberry Jam recipe

6. Put the lemon juice and stir for a while, put two pieces of maltose into it, the white cotton-like thing is the maltose melted away.

Strawberry Jam recipe

7. Sprinkle some strawberry-flavored QQ candy and stir it a few times to melt the QQ candy. The strawberry pellets are almost ready when they are cooked for 16 minutes. If they are cooked again, the fruit pellets should become smaller.

Strawberry Jam recipe

8. The beautiful strawberry jam is fresh out of the oven. Haha, isn't it pretty.

Strawberry Jam recipe

9. Bottled after the cold, I don’t have a beautiful bottle, but I found two with fruit vinegar and yogurt, which looked very beautiful.

Strawberry Jam recipe

10. Yogurt bottle

Strawberry Jam recipe


The amount of sugar is increased or decreased according to personal taste. When cooking strawberry jam, you must keep stirring, otherwise the edges will be covered with pink foam.

Remember to put cold strawberry jam in the refrigerator for a long time.


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