Sugar and Wine Smoked Fish

Sugar and Wine Smoked Fish

by Peach

4.6 (1)







My young master likes to eat this kind of smoked fish. He often buys it from a certain old brand. It feels very uneconomical, so I want to make it myself.
Just one day I saw a chef teach smoked fish on TV. I quickly learn to learn it. This is not a Chinese New Year. I made this smoked fish and served with wine and dinner. "

Sugar and Wine Smoked Fish

1. Prepare the raw materials, slaughter the grass carp to remove the internal organs, fish gills, etc., and clean it for later use;

Sugar and Wine Smoked Fish recipe

2. Scrape the black film on the fish;

Sugar and Wine Smoked Fish recipe

3. After removing the fish head, cut a finger-wide piece along the fish body, put the fish pieces in a cooking bowl, add salt, white pepper, green onions, and ginger slices to marinate for 1 hour;

Sugar and Wine Smoked Fish recipe

4. Wipe the marinated fish pieces with kitchen paper to dry the water on the surface of the fish pieces;

Sugar and Wine Smoked Fish recipe

5. Pour edible oil into the wok. When the oil temperature is 60~70% hot, add the fish pieces and fry them. After a little coloring, remove them, and then re-fry them until the fish pieces are colored;

Sugar and Wine Smoked Fish recipe

6. According to the ratio of rice wine and white sugar 1:1, mix the sugar wine juice;

Sugar and Wine Smoked Fish recipe

7. Soak the fried fish pieces in the sugar wine sauce while they are hot, soaking for a longer time, it will be very tasty.

Sugar and Wine Smoked Fish recipe


1. It is easier to remove the black film of the fish body by blanching the surface of the fish body with warm water. The purpose of removing the black film is to remove fishy;
2. You can add less sugar and wine juice, and the fish can be soaked in stages to avoid the waste of sugar and wine;
3. Don't pour out the remaining sugar and wine juice, you can use it for stewing fish.


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