Sweet Popcorn

Sweet Popcorn

by Acting Kun Big Baby

4.8 (1)








Sweet Popcorn

1. Prepare the ingredients, wash the corn, dry it, butter and sugar!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

2. Put butter or lumpy cream in the wok!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

3. Pour in baby corn!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

4. Then use a shovel to stir fry back and forth!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

5. Then when you see the popped corn, put the lid on and stir-fry slowly on a low fire. You need to keep shaking the pot in the middle. When you see all the popped corn, open the lid and put the powdered sugar evenly!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

6. Appreciate the finished product!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

7. Appreciate the finished product!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

8. Appreciate the finished product!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

9. Appreciate the finished product!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

10. Appreciate the finished product!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

11. Appreciate the finished product!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

12. Appreciate the finished product!

Sweet Popcorn recipe

13. Appreciate the finished product!

Sweet Popcorn recipe


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