Taro Cake Roll

Taro Cake Roll

by Wang Huaiming

4.9 (1)







The taro cake roll is made by adding taro color sesame oil into the cake paste to form a unique flavor. The cake is bright in color, fine holes, bulky, and melts in the mouth. It is suitable for the elderly, children, and daily breakfast. , Snacks"

Taro Cake Roll

1. Beat the eggs into the cake bucket, add fine sugar and custard powder.

Taro Cake Roll recipe

2. Put the bucket in the blender and mix slowly for 2 minutes.

Taro Cake Roll recipe

3. Add the sifted flour, cake oil, and cornstarch flour, and stir slowly for 2 minutes.

Taro Cake Roll recipe

4. Beat the cake until it expands to 3 times, pour in 50 ml of olive oil, stir well and stir slowly for 2 minutes.

Taro Cake Roll recipe

5. Add the taro color sesame oil to the cake batter, and gently stir evenly with your hands.

Taro Cake Roll recipe

6. Pour it into a baking pan that has been lined with paper and greased, and scrape it flat.

Taro Cake Roll recipe

7. Put it into the preheated oven and bake for about 30 minutes. The oven is heated to 200 degrees and lowered to 180 degrees until the surface is golden. It can be out of the oven by lightly patting it with hands.

Taro Cake Roll recipe

8. After baking the whole cake, wait for it to cool down before processing.

Taro Cake Roll recipe

9. After it has cooled down, take a piece of cake of the right size and remove the skin on the back.

Taro Cake Roll recipe

10. Put it on the cake paper and scrape the whipped cream

Taro Cake Roll recipe

11. Roll the cake into a circle from the inside to the outside, and let it sit for 30 minutes to cut into pieces.

Taro Cake Roll recipe

12. Sliced taro cake roll.

Taro Cake Roll recipe


1. This cake can be made into other flavors, just modify the recipe.
2. If the bakeware at home is small, the formula can be halved until the ingredients of the formula can meet the size of the bakeware.


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