Tender Grilled Short Ribs

Tender Grilled Short Ribs

by Xu Jinghui-

4.8 (1)







I am a person who likes eating meat very very much. It’s simply not unpleasant. The most favorite is the ribs. It has both meat and bones. It is delicious no matter how you make it. This time I made tender grilled ribs. It's super delicious. "


Tender Grilled Short Ribs

1. Cut the pork ribs into sections, wash, drain, and add 50 grams of marinated meat

Tender Grilled Short Ribs recipe

2. Stir the marinated meat and spare ribs thoroughly, put them in the refrigerator for more than 4 hours

Tender Grilled Short Ribs recipe

3. Take out the marinated ribs and place them evenly in the air fryer

Tender Grilled Short Ribs recipe

4. Grilled ribs mode, 180 degrees for 25 minutes, during the roasting process, remember to turn it over and take it out and eat it directly

Tender Grilled Short Ribs recipe


If you don’t have an air fryer at home, you can use an oven

Adjust the roasting time according to the size of the ribs


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