Three Fresh Fruit Vinegar

Three Fresh Fruit Vinegar

by Alien limit

4.6 (1)







This is an appetizer suitable for all ages, especially in summer, it is especially refreshing. The fragrance of fruit vinegar is refreshing. Lettuce, carrot, tofu skin. They all contain various trace elements in the growth period of children, which have a significant impact on mental and physical development and even emotional adjustment. Children's consumption can improve immunity and promote physical and intellectual development.


Three Fresh Fruit Vinegar

1. After washing the ingredients, peel off the carrot and lettuce skins

2. Then use a fruit knife to remove the carrot and lettuce meat into thin slices.

Three Fresh Fruit Vinegar recipe

3. Put 2 into a bowl, rinse with cold white boil, drain the water and pour in fruit vinegar for pickling

4. Change the tofu skin into two finger-wide size

Three Fresh Fruit Vinegar recipe

5. Boil in boiling water

6. Let cool white boil over the cold river and drain the water

7. Put the tofu skin into step 3, add a few drops of sesame oil, mix well and serve

Three Fresh Fruit Vinegar recipe

8. Make a shape when serving, and make it more edible when serving

Three Fresh Fruit Vinegar recipe


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