Three Fresh Noodle Soup

Three Fresh Noodle Soup

by @That floweropen@

4.9 (1)







Three Fresh Noodle Soup

1. Prepared ingredients.

Three Fresh Noodle Soup recipe

2. Cut the winter melon and pleurotus eryngii into thin slices and cut the fishballs into cubes.

Three Fresh Noodle Soup recipe

3. Fill the pot with water and add the cut vegetables.

Three Fresh Noodle Soup recipe

4. Bring the soup to a boil, season with salt light soy sauce and pepper, drizzle a little shrimp oil and turn to low heat.

Three Fresh Noodle Soup recipe

5. Boil water in another pot and blanch the hot dry noodles. (Don’t thicken the noodles)

Three Fresh Noodle Soup recipe

6. Take out the drain and put it in a bowl.

Three Fresh Noodle Soup recipe

7. Just pour the three fresh soup on the noodles and sprinkle chopped green onion.

Three Fresh Noodle Soup recipe


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