Tofu Snacks

Tofu Snacks

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I saw this snack on Weibo one day, and I really wanted to try it. I just pressed some tofu myself and planned to try it.


Tofu Snacks

1. Homemade tofu

Tofu Snacks recipe

2. crush

Tofu Snacks recipe

3. Add sugar

Tofu Snacks recipe

4. Add flour

Tofu Snacks recipe

5. Add eggs

Tofu Snacks recipe

6. add some oil

Tofu Snacks recipe

7. Add sesame seeds to form a dough

Tofu Snacks recipe

8. Roll the dough

Tofu Snacks recipe

9. Cut into small strips

Tofu Snacks recipe

10. Add oil to the pot

Tofu Snacks recipe

11. Fried in the pan after the oil is hot

Tofu Snacks recipe

12. Fry until golden

Tofu Snacks recipe


A delicious afternoon tea


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