Tomato Salad

Tomato Salad

by Alvin's delicious kitchen

4.7 (1)







The combination and alternation of the ingredients is the most favorite part of this dish. Layers of flavors are intertwined. Different acids and sweets, different fragrances and different saltiness, all come from the original taste of the ingredients. In addition, it is a delicacy that is ingenious and easy to achieve, and it will be very rewarding to understand and cook this dish! "


Tomato Salad

1. Put about 1/3 cup of olive oil in the pot and heat it over medium heat until the sausage is crispy. It takes about 10 minutes. After 5 minutes, add the garlic slices

Tomato Salad recipe

2. Cut the tomato in half

Tomato Salad recipe

3. The olives are squeezed by hand and then broken apart, concentrated in a mixing bowl

Tomato Salad recipe

4. When the sausage is crispy and golden, pour in sherry vinegar

Tomato Salad recipe

5. Wait for the sour gas to dissipate and leave only the fragrance, then pour the sausage and garlic oil into the mixing bowl with tomatoes

Tomato Salad recipe

6. Stir

Tomato Salad recipe

7. Chopped green onions into chopped green onions

Tomato Salad recipe

8. Stir chopped green onion and shredded basil into a mixing bowl

Tomato Salad recipe

9. Mix well and season with salt and black pepper, then serve on a plate, with orange meat (the method of taking orange meat will be described in detail in the log), oregano and chicory, if you like, you can also match some sliced radish. Pour the sauce in the mixing bowl and enjoy

Tomato Salad recipe


1. Cut the small red radish into thin slices and immerse it in ice water to become transparent;

2. The core collocation of this dish is the collocation between the garlic oil of the fried sausage, the tomato juice and the sherry vinegar that has been volatilized at high temperature, plus the finishing touch of the orange meat and various herbs, and it becomes a good taste;

3. The small flower used for decoration is called pansy, which has a light taste and can be used as medicine;

4. Chorizo, a kind of spicy dried sausage from Spain, is very delicious. I have used two of them. One of them is not easy to buy without drying. You can use Harbin sausage instead;

5. Sherry vinegar, sherry vinegar, or apple cider vinegar in the ingredients are no longer white wine vinegar, but when using white wine vinegar, be sure to pay attention to the high acidity, don't put too much, if necessary, add a little honey to neutralize the acidity;

6. In addition, 1 tablespoon=1 table spoon/1 small spoon=1 tea spoon/1 cup=1 cup involved in the article;

7. The detailed method of picking orange meat will be shown in the picture in the log. If you are interested, you can try it.


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