Tomato Wanton Noodles

Tomato Wanton Noodles

by Leer 6395

4.9 (1)







I made the green cabbage noodles today and ate them while they were fresh


Tomato Wanton Noodles

1. Prepare the noodles

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

2. Prepare wonton, cut tomato, mince ginger

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

3. Add appropriate amount of water to the soup pot

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

4. Join Wonton

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

5. Add noodles

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

6. Cook until cooked

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

7. Fish up, over the cold river

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

8. Drain the water

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

9. Boil water and add ginger

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

10. After the water is boiled, add the tomatoes

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

11. Add oil and salt

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

12. Add noodles and wontons

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe

13. Sheng out

Tomato Wanton Noodles recipe


The noodles made by yourself are very delicious, there is no skill, just cooked


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