Vanilla Butter Popcorn

Vanilla Butter Popcorn

by Raccoon bear

5.0 (1)







Make popcorn by yourself at home, it will taste richer, without chemical additives and flavors, so you can eat it at ease! The faint vanilla taste makes the mouth linger with a special sweetness, and after eating it, the aftertaste is endless. "


Vanilla Butter Popcorn

1. Prepare the main ingredients you need. This is corn specially used to make popcorn with smaller grains.

Vanilla Butter Popcorn recipe

2. After the pan is hot, add butter.

Vanilla Butter Popcorn recipe

3. Add corn kernels and stir-fry evenly so that each corn is coated with butter. If the pot is small, don't put too much corn, otherwise it will be difficult to mix evenly when adding sugar.

Vanilla Butter Popcorn recipe

4. Stir-fry for a minute or two. After the corn is heated, cover the pot and heat the wok over medium-high heat. It is best to find a transparent lid for easy observation.

Vanilla Butter Popcorn recipe

5. Wait patiently. After about 4 minutes, the corn will begin to bloom one by one, and you can hear the popping sound in the pot. Haha, it's very interesting.

Vanilla Butter Popcorn recipe

6. When the frying pan starts to quiet, it means that the corn has burst. Open the lid, um, it's delicious. At this time, you can change it to a low heat, add sugar and vanilla powder, and stir continuously with a spatula until the sugar is melted and the syrup is evenly coated on each popcorn.

Vanilla Butter Popcorn recipe

7. You can eat sweet and delicious popcorn in 5 minutes, with vanilla powder added, and it has a light fragrance. Students who go to the cinema, don’t forget to bring your own popcorn.

Vanilla Butter Popcorn recipe


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