Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips

Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips

by Weilan Weibo

4.7 (1)







My sister’s own-grown melons are pure green ingredients, sweet and noodles, and they are also very delicious with potatoes and red pepper fried melon slices. The melon is warm in nature and sweet in taste, enters the spleen and stomach meridians. It has the functions of nourishing the middle and nourishing qi, reducing inflammation and pain, detoxification and killing insects. Eat regularly to invigorate the brain, improve eyesight, warm the lungs, nourish the liver, invigorate the spleen, harmonize the stomach, moisturize the intestines, nourish the skin, reduce blood sugar and reduce thirst.


Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips

1. Peel and flesh off the guagua, wash and slice

Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips recipe

2. Sliced red pepper, chopped green onion and ginger

Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips recipe

3. Peel the potatoes, wash and slice them, soak in cold water for 10 minutes, remove the water and set aside

Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips recipe

4. Add appropriate amount of oil to the wok, saute the shallots, ginger and allspice powder

Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips recipe

5. Add the wugu slices and potato slices and stir fry

Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips recipe

6. Add red pepper slices and stir fry

Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips recipe

7. Add salt and less seafood soy sauce to taste

Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips recipe

8. Out of the pot.

Vegetarian Fried Wogua Chips recipe


Soak the potato slices in cold water for 10 minutes to soak the starch. It does not stick to the pan during frying. You can pour the soaked starch into the pan to thicken the flour before being out of the pan.


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