Wonderful Kitchen丨boiled Bullfrog

Wonderful Kitchen丨boiled Bullfrog

by Wonderful kitchen

4.9 (1)







Bullfrog is also known as eating baby. The meat is tender, delicious, easy to digest and absorb, it is a good nourishing product, and its nutritional value is very high. Today, I will bring you a boiled bullfrog, which is not only delicious, but also full of appetite. Let’s make it with the video.

Wonderful Kitchen丨boiled Bullfrog

1. Three bullfrogs are finely chopped, add appropriate amount of salt, rice wine, starch, and marinate for ten minutes

Wonderful Kitchen丨boiled Bullfrog recipe

2. Lettuce, celery, and bean sprouts are blanched for 2 minutes in a water pad under the plate

Wonderful Kitchen丨boiled Bullfrog recipe

3. Heat oil in a hot pot, sauté green onion, ginger, and bean paste, add appropriate amount of hot pot base and water, and appropriate amount of red pickled pepper, appropriate amount of excellent original fresh soy sauce, appropriate amount of excellent braised soy sauce, 1 spoon of yellow bell pepper, appropriate Pour the white pepper powder into the soup base to season and bring the soup to a boil

Wonderful Kitchen丨boiled Bullfrog recipe

4. The bullfrog is deep-fried for ten seconds, then poured out and poured into the cooked soup

Wonderful Kitchen丨boiled Bullfrog recipe

5. Cook for a while, add a little salt and sugar, pour into the soup, sprinkle some pepper, garlic, chopped green onion, and dried chili

Wonderful Kitchen丨boiled Bullfrog recipe

6. Heat oil and pour it over, finally cut some coriander and put it on, you're done

Wonderful Kitchen丨boiled Bullfrog recipe


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