Yam Porridge

Yam Porridge

by Kang Kang 1818

4.7 (1)







This is a bowl of porridge with very comprehensive nutrition. The yam, peanuts, donkey-hide jujube and other ingredients are all rich in nutrients. Although the recipe is simple, the taste is sweet and soft, which is very delicious. Eating more yam in winter is beneficial to the body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that black color enters the kidney, and black food has the effect of nourishing the kidney, and white yam can nourish the kidney in addition to strengthening the spleen and lungs.


Yam Porridge

1. Main raw material picture: the iron stick yam special noodles are delicious

Yam Porridge recipe

2. Soak the glutinous rice and peanuts for 3 hours in advance and put them in the boiling pot, then add water

Yam Porridge recipe

3. Turn the high heat to a low heat and continue to cook

Yam Porridge recipe

4. Yam peeled and cut into hob blocks

Yam Porridge recipe

5. When the glutinous rice and peanuts are cooked to 7 or 8 mature, pour the yam cubes and continue cooking

Yam Porridge recipe

6. Add a little rock sugar

Yam Porridge recipe

7. Finally pour the donkey-hide jujube

Yam Porridge recipe

8. Continue to simmer until viscous and serve

Yam Porridge recipe


Soak glutinous rice and peanuts in advance.


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