Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken

Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken

by Xue Yao _Michelle

4.8 (1)







This dish will appear in the second season of my show "Delicious Calling Order". Just looking at the photos, its lineup can be said to be quite luxurious! There are chickens and meats, there is not a drop of water in the whole process, and I did not add salt, but the taste is really wonderful. This dish relies on the subtle conversion between the heat and the taste of the ingredients. The chicken is whole, and it has been cooked for a long time. After cooking, the chicken is easily separated from its flesh and bones, first break off one of its thighs and gnaw it! Isn't it happy like a fairy?


Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken

1. Boil the light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, rock sugar, bay leaves and star anise together to melt the rock sugar

Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken recipe

2. After boiling, the sauce will be thicker because of the rock sugar, and then put it at room temperature

Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken recipe

3. Slice the pork belly, chop the trotters into small pieces, remove the internal organs of the chicken, and process it well

Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken recipe

4. I use a cast iron pot, which has good airtightness, and a casserole can also be used. Spread a layer of ginger slices

Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken recipe

5. Then brush the pork belly with the sauce and spread it on top

Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken recipe

6. Put a circle of pig's feet on top of the pork belly, brush it with the sauce, and put a green onion knot in the middle

Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken recipe

7. The inside of the chicken is also stuffed with green onion knots and ginger slices

Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken recipe

8. Buckle up the chicken, brush with the sauce, brush the rest of the sauce together, and pour in the right amount of Shaoxing rice wine, which is about this position. After it is brought to a boil, cover the lid and simmer for about two hours.

Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken recipe

9. When the time is up, take the chicken out, the chicken is still intact, but the taste is all in. I can’t help but grab a thigh to eat. When I think of it, I didn’t take a picture.

Yellow Wine Fairy Chicken recipe


1. The beauty of this dish is that you don’t put water in, let the taste of soy sauce and rice wine pour into the meat, Huadiao wine is also OK
2, buy a smaller chicken, I bought a boy chicken, three yellow chickens are also fine
3. Many restaurants use the fairy chicken as their signatures, and the method may be more particular. I am a family version, and the taste is the same. I wish everyone a good appetite.


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