Yuba Gingko and Egg Syrup

Yuba Gingko and Egg Syrup

by Happy Fat Sheep

4.8 (1)







I have been coughing for almost two months, and remembered the yuba and ginkgo egg syrup that my mother used to boil for us when we were young.
Today on a whim, I boiled some moisturizing lungs😋

In addition to starch, protein, fat, and carbohydrates, ginkgo nuts also contain trace elements such as vitamin C, riboflavin, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, and magnesium, as well as ginkgolic acid, ginkgol, and five-carbon polysaccharides. , Liposterol and other ingredients, rich in nutrients.

Ginkgo can restrain lung qi, relieve phlegm and asthma, detoxify, and treat asthma, phlegm and cough.

Flat in nature, sweet in taste, slightly bitter and toxic. At present, the medical profession believes that if children eat 7-15 pieces raw, they can cause poisoning, and the toxicity will be reduced after they are cooked, but they should not eat too much at one time. "


Yuba Gingko and Egg Syrup

1. To break the yuba, soak in clean water for about half an hour.

Yuba Gingko and Egg Syrup recipe

2. I bought the ginkgo nuts off-the-shelf. You can also use fresh ginkgo nuts, just peeled off the shell.

Yuba Gingko and Egg Syrup recipe

3. Pour an appropriate amount of water into the pot, add the yuba, and boil until the water boils.

Yuba Gingko and Egg Syrup recipe

4. Pour the white nuts and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat.

Yuba Gingko and Egg Syrup recipe

5. Add rock sugar and cook until melted.

Yuba Gingko and Egg Syrup recipe

6. Finally, beat in the eggs, stir quickly, and then turn off the heat.

Yuba Gingko and Egg Syrup recipe


The ginkgo core is slightly bitter, if you are afraid of bitterness, you can break the ginkgo core and remove the core.
The amount of rock sugar can be increased or decreased according to personal preference.
The eggs do not need to be broken up, also according to personal preference.


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