#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts

by ShannonTsai

4.6 (1)







Using the hot noodle chiffon formula, putting on a beautiful mold, and finally adding cute decorations, you have completed the beautiful chiffon donuts~"


#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts

1. Heat the unsalted butter to the extent that there are small bubbles on the edge to turn off the heat. Add low-gluten flour and mix quickly.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

2. Then add the milk that has returned to room temperature and stir until the milk is completely absorbed (be sure to use room temperature milk to avoid too fast cooling).

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

3. Add egg yolks in portions. Each time the egg yolk is completely absorbed, add the next time. The egg yolk batter is ready for use.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

4. Preheat the oven to 10 degrees C. Put the egg whites in a clean tank, first use a whisk to make some coarse foam, add fine sugar and cornstarch, and beat at medium and high speed until dry foaming.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

5. Dry foaming: The meringue can be pulled out of sharp corners without bending or collapsing.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

6. Take 1/3 of the meringue and add it to 3. Mix the meringue and egg yolk batter by cutting and mixing, then pour it into the steel basin with the remaining 2/3 of the meringue and mix evenly.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

7. Use a spoon to fill the batter into the mold about 8 minutes full.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

8. Put the mold in an oven that has been preheated to 170 degrees C and bake for about 8-10 minutes.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

9. Take out the mold, turn it upside down and let it cool.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

10. Take out the cake carefully.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

11. Cut the dark chocolate into small pieces, heat in water to melt, and stir until smooth.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

12. Take a cake, dip it in chocolate sauce, sprinkle with sugar beads or chocolate rice for decoration, and let cool.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

13. You can also cut the white chocolate into small pieces, put it in a heat-resistant plastic bag, and soak in hot water to melt it.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

14. Collect the white chocolate sauce in one corner of the plastic bag and cut a small mouth.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe

15. Just decorate the cake with white chocolate sauce.

#aca烤明星大赛#chiffon Donuts recipe


1. If you don't want to decorate, the amount of sugar can be adjusted to 13.5g.
2. If there is no such mold, you can also use a normal six-line muffin mold, which is the same as 6 pieces.
3. Don't over-decorate, otherwise it will be too sweet!


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