Baked Whitebait

Baked Whitebait

by The joyful life of pyrotechnics

4.8 (1)







When I was young, I went to work with adults, and I always brought a pack of cold rice, some pounded peppers, and salt. When there is a river during lunch break, I would go to the river to catch some small fish and shrimp, wash and mix with pepper and salt, pick some banana leaves or wild loquat leaves to wrap up, set a fire to slowly cook the fish, maybe It is because of the lack of material, perhaps the fresh ingredients, or the hunger after labor. At that time, I felt that the baked fish was the best delicacy in the world. Today there is no firewood, so use an oven instead of firewood to relish the delicacy in the eyes of the year. "


Baked Whitebait

1. 1. Wash the onion and cut into strips, wash the coriander and cut into sections for later use.

Baked Whitebait recipe

2. 2. Put the spicy millet, ginger, and garlic in a stone mortar to make a puree.

Baked Whitebait recipe

3. 3. Rinse the whitebait and put it in a small basin, add the crushed ginger, garlic and chili.

Baked Whitebait recipe

4. 4. Add onion and coriander.

Baked Whitebait recipe

5. 5. Add cooking wine, light soy sauce, salt and mix well.

Baked Whitebait recipe

6. 6. Add appropriate amount of sesame oil and mix well.

Baked Whitebait recipe

7. 7. Put the mixed whitebait on the wild loquat.

Baked Whitebait recipe

8. 8. Fold the wild loquat leaves up, down, left and right, and fix them with toothpicks.

Baked Whitebait recipe

9. 9. Put it in the oven at 200 degrees and bake for 30 minutes.

Baked Whitebait recipe

10. Finished picture

Baked Whitebait recipe


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