Bear Cake

Bear Cake

by Mother Maizi

4.7 (1)







Tomorrow is a family dinner. I made a bear cake for the third generation of children. In fact, it is mainly for weeding the red bean paste and butter cream to decorate the flowers. I used a recipe of 1:1 ratio of red bean paste and butter on the Internet. The mixed red bean paste cream is really good. Not too tired! I was lazy about the cake embryo. I used the cake roll recipe to increase the amount by myself, and baked a three-neng gold plate and a three-neng small Barbie mold! "


Bear Cake

1. Add 12 grams of sugar and honey to 5 egg yolks to whitish

Bear Cake recipe

2. Add 66 g of sugar to the 5 egg whites in three times and beat until moist foaming

Bear Cake recipe

3. Take 1/3 of the meringue and add the egg yolk paste, stir evenly

Bear Cake recipe

4. Sift in low powder and stir evenly

Bear Cake recipe

5. Add 2/3 of the meringue to the batter and continue to mix evenly

Bear Cake recipe

6. 15 grams of butter and 34 grams of milk are heated to about 70 degrees, then slowly add to the batter, and mix well while adding

Bear Cake recipe

7. Mix the batter until it is shiny and pour it into the mold

Bear Cake recipe

8. I’m lazy and bake it together. The golden pan is baked at 180 degrees for 13 minutes, and the Barbie mold is baked at 180 degrees for 35 minutes.

Bear Cake recipe

9. Cake slices unmolded after baking

Bear Cake recipe

10. Semi-circular cake that is demoulded after baking

Bear Cake recipe

11. Prepare the bean paste cream for decorating flowers. According to the 1:1 ratio of white bean paste and butter, I first used 100 grams each

Bear Cake recipe

12. Add a little milk to the white bean paste and mix well

Bear Cake recipe

13. The butter is softened and beaten until white

Bear Cake recipe

14. Mix the white bean paste and butter and mix well

Bear Cake recipe

15. Add a little coloring to create different colors of bean paste cream

Bear Cake recipe

16. Place the flowers in the refrigerator and store them in the refrigerator

Bear Cake recipe

17. Whip the whipped cream and sugar until it has lines

Bear Cake recipe

18. Cut the big cake slice into 4 slices, use three slices for the main cake, and one slice for the bear’s ears and hands

Bear Cake recipe

19. Three slices of cake with cream filling in the middle and cream on the outside, then put the semicircle on top and smear whipped cream

Bear Cake recipe

20. Use the remaining cake slices to cut out the shape of the ears, fix them with the red bean paste cream frosting just decorated, and put them in the refrigerator for a while

Bear Cake recipe

21. After fixing, use light cream to wipe the face

Bear Cake recipe

22. To prepare the bear’s hair, this time my bean paste cream is based on the ratio of white bean paste to butter 2:1. I used 200 grams of white bean paste and 100 grams of butter. In the end, there is leftover

Bear Cake recipe

23. Squeeze out the thin strips with 233 piping nozzles, squeeze the bear's head and hands, and fill in the free places with No. 2 flower nozzles

Bear Cake recipe

24. Use black and white chocolate to make eyes, mouths, and ears, and put the flowers on top

Bear Cake recipe

25. Finally, all the finger biscuits can be divided into two sides

Bear Cake recipe

26. Finished picture 1

Bear Cake recipe

27. Finished picture 2

Bear Cake recipe


2 times Bean Paste Cream Frosting, the ratio of butter is different, the taste is also different, the one with less butter is sweeter! In the process of decorating, the key must be smooth to decorate smoothly. It will become hard at low temperature. You can pinch the decorating bag with your hands to soften the butter!


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