Beef Bowl

Beef Bowl

by Cute Shrimp Ball

4.9 (1)







The seemingly simple beef rice bowl is not easy to make delicious. "


Beef Bowl

1. Wash the beef and cut into slices perpendicular to the texture.

Beef Bowl recipe

2. Add 3 spoons of soy sauce, 2 spoons of cooking wine, 1 spoon of oyster sauce, appropriate amount of refined salt, and baking soda.

Beef Bowl recipe

3. Beat an egg, add an appropriate amount of starch, stir well, and marinate for 1 hour.

Beef Bowl recipe

4. Take 2 spoons of soy sauce, 1 spoon of cooking wine, half a spoon of sesame oil, half a spoon of sugar, appropriate amount of chopped green onion, minced garlic, and pepper to make a sauce.

Beef Bowl recipe

5. Wash the onions and slice them.

Beef Bowl recipe

6. Heat the pan with oil, pour in the onions and sauté until fragrant, then put on a plate and set aside.

Beef Bowl recipe

7. Heat the butter to melt.

Beef Bowl recipe

8. Pour in the marinated beef and fry until slightly browned on both sides.

Beef Bowl recipe

9. Add the sauce and stir fry.

Beef Bowl recipe

10. When the beef is cooked, add the sauteed onion to collect the juice.

Beef Bowl recipe

11. Just pour the juice on the rice and start eating.

Beef Bowl recipe


You don’t have to collect the juice too dry when you stir fry


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