Beef Radish Soup

Beef Radish Soup

by Seeking Joan in a Dream

5.0 (1)







Beef and radish soup nourishes qi and nourishes the lungs, nourishes the skin and calms the nerves, strengthens the body, and people who are prone to colds, weak in physique, and afraid of cold can drink it frequently. The fragrant beef, coupled with the stewed radish that melts in the mouth, makes people unable to stop their mouths and increase their appetite.


Beef Radish Soup

1. Beef cut into pieces

Beef Radish Soup recipe

2. Wash the beef with boiling water to remove the blood

Beef Radish Soup recipe

3. Bring water to a boil in a casserole, pour the beef and boil to remove the floating powder

Beef Radish Soup recipe

4. Add ginger slices, add cooking wine, cover and simmer

Beef Radish Soup recipe

5. Peel the radish and cut into pieces, wash the wolfberry

Beef Radish Soup recipe

6. Stew the beef for an hour, then add the radishes and goji berries and continue to simmer for about half an hour.

Beef Radish Soup recipe

7. Add salt to taste before turning off the heat

Beef Radish Soup recipe


Beef radish soup must be turned off before adding salt


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