Beef Wanton

Beef Wanton

by mywayne

5.0 (1)







Fresh beef filling and smooth wonton skin make it fresh and delicious ^_^"


Beef Wanton

1. Chop the beef and set aside.

Beef Wanton recipe

2. Add a spoonful of cooking oil, half a spoonful of light soy sauce, and cooking wine.

Beef Wanton recipe

3. The spoon is the same size as on the bowl. Set aside to marinate for a few minutes. This kind of meat will not be so hard.

Beef Wanton recipe

4. Put the soup treasure in the pot that has been filled with water.

Beef Wanton recipe

5. Boil on high fire.

Beef Wanton recipe

6. Let's start making wontons. Look at the picture

Beef Wanton recipe

7. Then wrap it up, remember not to put too much beef filling, just appropriate.

Beef Wanton recipe

8. Folded and folded many times.

Beef Wanton recipe

9. When it comes to the most critical moment, fold it in half and press it hard.

Beef Wanton recipe

10. Haha, isn't it pretty? It looks like a flower.

Beef Wanton recipe

11. One more.

Beef Wanton recipe

12. The soup is just boiling, just add the wonton. Cook until the wonton skin is transparent.

Beef Wanton recipe

13. Haha, serve it.

Beef Wanton recipe


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