Black Beef Soup

Black Beef Soup

by Food·Color

4.7 (1)







The black beef soup was supposed to be black beans, black sesame seeds and black dates, but there is no black dates, so I had to use red dates instead.
This soup is mainly black food, which is used to invigorate the kidney. Beef is sweet and salty in nature, can invigorate the spleen and nourish blood. It is a nutrient-rich high-protein and low-fat food, and has the effect of significantly lowering blood cholesterol. Black sesame nourishes the liver and kidney, nourishes the essence and blood, and has been respected since ancient times as a food for life extension and beauty, and black hair. Black dates are sweet and nourishing, invigorating the spleen and blood, similar to red dates.
Simmer it slowly, a pot of water will eventually become black as black beef soup, and the beef will be dyed inside and out. Black beef soup can nourish the liver, spleen and kidneys, and focus on nourishing the kidneys. It has the effects of nourishing the kidneys, prolonging life, and nourishing skin with black hair. However, it is not suitable for those who have an unclear cold.


Black Beef Soup

1. Ingredients: 120 grams of beef, 30 grams of black beans, 10 grams of black sesame seeds, 9 red dates, 2 slices of ginger, a little salt, a little coriander

Black Beef Soup recipe

2. Wash the red dates and remove the pit,

Black Beef Soup recipe

3. Wash beef and cut into small pieces

Black Beef Soup recipe

4. Rinse the black beans with water and soak for a while.

Black Beef Soup recipe

5. Put the beef and ginger slices into the pot, add water, and bring to a boil over medium heat.

Black Beef Soup recipe

6. Skim the foam after boiling,

Black Beef Soup recipe

7. Add red dates, black beans and sesame seeds,

Black Beef Soup recipe

8. Boil again,

Black Beef Soup recipe

9. Pour into an electric clay pot,

Black Beef Soup recipe

10. Automatically simmer overnight.

Black Beef Soup recipe

11. Bean crispy meat is rotten, turn off the heat,

Black Beef Soup recipe

12. Serve, add salt and coriander, season to eat.

Black Beef Soup recipe


If there are black dates, the effect is better.
If you don’t have an electric clay cooker, you can also use ordinary pots to boil on the fire and then turn to simmer for 3 hours.


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