Black Rice Porridge with Red Dates

Black Rice Porridge with Red Dates

by Flyer

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Black rice is rich in protein, carbohydrates, B vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium and other nutritional elements. It is rich in nutrients and has the functions of appetizing and nourishing the middle, nourishing the spleen and liver, improving eyesight, promoting blood circulation, smoothing and replenishing essence. It has a good nourishing effect for juvenile gray hair, women's postpartum weakness, physical weakness after illness, anemia, and kidney deficiency.
Glutinous rice (purple) is suitable for the crowd: it can be eaten by the general population, especially suitable for people with white hair in juveniles, women with postpartum weakness, physical weakness after illness, anemia and kidney deficiency. It has the effects of nourishing the middle and nourishing qi, invigorating the spleen and stomach, and stopping sweating.
1. Jujube can improve human immunity and inhibit cancer cells: pharmacological studies have found that red jujube can promote the production of white blood cells, lower serum cholesterol, increase serum albumin, and protect the liver.
2. Jujube is rich in calcium and iron, which play an important role in preventing and treating osteoporosis and postpartum anemia.
3. It also has a good nourishing effect for people who are weak after illness. The rutin contained in jujube is a substance that softens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. It has a preventive effect on hypertension. Jujube can also resist allergies, remove fishy odors, calm the mind and calm the nerves, and improve the brain. "


Black Rice Porridge with Red Dates

1. Wash the lotus seeds and soak for 2 hours, and red dates for 10 minutes.

Black Rice Porridge with Red Dates recipe

2. Wash and soak black rice for 2 hours

Black Rice Porridge with Red Dates recipe

3. Pour all the ingredients into the pot.

Black Rice Porridge with Red Dates recipe

4. After boiling, use chopsticks to lift the lid, it will spray water when it is closed.

Black Rice Porridge with Red Dates recipe

5. Cook in the rice cooker for 2 hours.

Black Rice Porridge with Red Dates recipe

6. .Add the right amount of sugar after cooking.

Black Rice Porridge with Red Dates recipe

7. Drink it while it's hot.

Black Rice Porridge with Red Dates recipe


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