Black Sesame Paste

Black Sesame Paste

by My two treasures grow up quietly

4.9 (1)







When I was young, although my family was not wealthy, my mother would cook a pot of thick black sesame paste for the whole family to drink every day when my anger became cold! The steaming and sweet black sesame paste, blowing the heat, took a sip, immediately felt the warm happiness, and the cold weather became warmer!

But at that time, it was not easy to drink a bowl of fragrant and smooth black sesame paste. Mom often had to spend most of the day in the kitchen, slowly polishing, filtering, and boiling slowly! Now I want to use the old method to cook black sesame paste, but I no longer have the patience and time! Buy ready-made black sesame paste for brewing, but it doesn't have the flavor of childhood, either too sweet or not delicate enough! You can only do it yourself!


Black Sesame Paste

1. Prepare ingredients:

Black sesame seeds: 60 grams

Glutinous rice: 50 grams (the addition of glutinous rice will make the sesame paste thicker and taste better)

Rock sugar: 100 grams

Purified water: 500ml

Walnuts, red dates, medlars

Black Sesame Paste recipe

2. Wash the glutinous rice in advance and soak it in cold water for more than half an hour!

Black Sesame Paste recipe

3. When soaking the glutinous rice, take out the walnut kernels, remove the red dates and remove the pits, and wash the medlar for use!

Black Sesame Paste recipe

4. Stir-fry the black sesame seeds over a low heat, but over-fry them to avoid the bitter burnt taste of the sesame paste!

Black Sesame Paste recipe

5. Add all the ingredients to the broken wall cooking machine!

Black Sesame Paste recipe

6. Add 500ml of purified water!

Black Sesame Paste recipe

7. Select the "drink button" of the wall breaker

Black Sesame Paste recipe

8. Just polish it twice!

Black Sesame Paste recipe

9. In order to achieve a thicker and smoother taste, you can pour the black sesame paste polished by the wall breaker into the pot, heat it over a medium-to-low heat, and stir constantly during the cooking process to avoid sticking the pot! Until the sesame paste reaches the consistency you want!

Black Sesame Paste recipe

10. Delicious is that simple, this year's Chinese New Year dessert, this is a bowl of nutritious health-preserving black sesame paste! In the cold winter, drink a bowl and immediately warm you from head to toe!

Black Sesame Paste recipe


Technology changes life, and the emergence of wall-breaking machines has given modern people a more efficient, faster and more nutritious cooking method. At the same time as full nutrition, it also made me no longer need to polish slowly like my mother back then. Filtering, one-button operation, I can drink the smooth and fragrant black sesame paste in just a few minutes!


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