Boeuf Bourguignon

Boeuf Bourguignon

by juju's Parisian kitchen

4.7 (1)







Beef stew with red wine is a French meal that appears most frequently in the movie "Julie and Julia". I believe many people have learned about this French meal because of this movie. Many people think that beef stew in red wine is difficult to make. In fact, it is a very homely French meal that is very easy to cook. Especially when guests come to the house, prepare it in advance and put it in the oven. The remaining 3-4 hours will not be used. You care, it is slowly simmered in the oven until the whole house is filled with the aroma of beef and red wine. There are many different methods of this permanent French meal. Of course, I still make the most traditional red wine beef stew according to Julia Child's method, but I should take a few small steps to make it a little simpler. "


Boeuf Bourguignon

1. Use kitchen paper towels to remove excess water from the beef and cut into large pieces. (Julia said that it is best to use scapula when making red wine stew, because the scapula is more elastic and suitable for long-term stewing)

Boeuf Bourguignon recipe

2. Pour a tablespoon of olive oil on the pan, and quickly stir-fry the beef. After all the beef noodles are ripened to brown, pour out from the pan.

Boeuf Bourguignon recipe

3. Put the super good beef in a casserole.

Boeuf Bourguignon recipe

4. Pour the red wine into the pot where the beef was fried just now, let the remaining minced beef in the pot blend with the beef juice and red wine

Boeuf Bourguignon recipe

5. Then pour it into the casserole. (Julia child recommends using Beaujolais, Rhône Valley wine or Burgundy wine. I personally think that typical dry reds such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, Merlot are fine), and then pour 500ml of beef broth .

Boeuf Bourguignon recipe

6. Add the chopped onions, carrots, tomato paste, thyme leaves, bay leaves, garlic, a little salt and pepper, and simmer in the oven preheated to 160 degrees for 3-4 hours. For the last 20 minutes, pour the mushrooms in. Stew together.

Boeuf Bourguignon recipe

7. 30 grams of butter and 30 grams of flour, mix well

Boeuf Bourguignon recipe

8. Pour out the stewed beef broth, put in the flour and butter that has just been stirred, and stir evenly with the broth. When the broth becomes thick, you can put it in the pot and pour it back on the beef to finish.

Boeuf Bourguignon recipe


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