Braised Chicken Head

Braised Chicken Head

by Gluttonous

4.8 (1)







There are very few edible things in chicken heads, especially chicken brains which contain high cholesterol, so people usually keep chicken heads away, and some discard them as scraps. However, if you use chicken heads as the main ingredient, you can cook a delicacy separately and accompany it with a glass of wine to drink while drinking.


Braised Chicken Head

1. Main and auxiliary ingredients: washed chicken head, green onion and ginger

Braised Chicken Head recipe

2. Put the chicken heads in the pot with cold water, after boiling, fly the water to remove the fishy, simmer for 1 minute and remove

Braised Chicken Head recipe

3. Rinse the chicken heads from flying water

Braised Chicken Head recipe

4. Heat oil, add green onion and sliced ginger and stir fry until fragrant

Braised Chicken Head recipe

5. Put the chicken heads in, flourish the heat, and cook into the cooking wine

Braised Chicken Head recipe

6. Add appropriate amount of soy sauce

Braised Chicken Head recipe

7. Stir-fry until evenly colored

Braised Chicken Head recipe

8. Add water to a boil, add salt and sugar to taste. Bake on a low fire for about 10 minutes

Braised Chicken Head recipe

9. Add monosodium glutamate for freshness

Braised Chicken Head recipe

10. Out of the pot and plate

Braised Chicken Head recipe


1. When cooking chicken heads, it is necessary to clean them and remove fishy in water to ensure no peculiar smell.
2. In addition, the elderly should eat as little as possible.


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