Braised Pork

Braised Pork

by Sea waves

4.6 (1)







In the past few days, it has been rainy and rainy, the weather is cool, and the climate is pleasant. It is suitable for eating meat. The braised pork is made for children who have no meat. "


Braised Pork

1. The fresh pork belly that I bought is very dry, without any moisture, the meat is fragrant. Some people worry about whether eating meat in summer will get hot, don't worry, as long as you don't add spicy seasoning, you won't get hot.

Braised Pork recipe

2. First wash with warm water, freeze the meat in the freezer for about half an hour, cut and sterilize it, and then take it out and cut it into pieces according to your favorite size. The freezing time is a bit short today, but it is still quite good.

Braised Pork recipe

3. Soak the cut meat in the bleeding water for about half an hour, and then repeatedly clean it. This method is not blanched, so be sure to soak the bleeding water and change the water twice in the middle. The meat I bought today is relatively fresh and there is basically no blood.

Braised Pork recipe

4. Soak the cut meat in the bleeding water for about half an hour, and then repeatedly clean it. This method is not blanched, so be sure to soak the bleeding water and change the water twice in the middle. The meat I bought today is relatively fresh and there is basically no blood.

Braised Pork recipe

5. There is no need to add oil to the wok, heat slowly on a low fire, pour in the cleaned pork belly, and slowly stir fry on a low fire until the oil comes out.

Braised Pork recipe

6. Stir-fry until the fatty meat is oily, a lot of oil will come out, and if the oil is fried and stewed, it will not be fatty.

Braised Pork recipe

7. Peel the green onion, wash and cut into sections, peel off the ginger, wash and slice; rinse the pepper aniseed with water, the black ones are papaya seeds, and the papaya seeds contain papaya, which can soften the fresh meat and have the effect of tenderizing meat. When eating papaya, you can save the papaya seeds and put them in the stew, so that the meat will become very tender.

Braised Pork recipe

8. Stir fry until the meat is completely discolored, add green onion, ginger, pepper, aniseed, a little soy sauce, light soy sauce, cooking wine and stir fry.

Braised Pork recipe

9. Stir-fry until the pork belly is completely colored, pour it into the pressure cooker, add salt, rock sugar and appropriate amount of boiling water. If you don't want the soup, you can leave it without water. If I want to use the old soup, I add a little more water, set the pressure cooker to the meat position and turn on the power.

Braised Pork recipe

10. The automatic tripping will be boring for a while, turn on the pressure cooker, and the braised pork will be ready.

Braised Pork recipe

11. When the delicious braised pork comes out of the pot, you will have appetite when you look at it. It can satisfy your taste and relieve your hunger, and it is also beneficial to your body.

Braised Pork recipe


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