Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots

by gaopingzhao

4.8 (1)







Dishes made of ribs appear on our table almost once or twice a week. Who makes the whole family like it! Haha~ But the pressure of cooking is all in my place. To ensure the freshness of the taste, I have to change patterns from time to time and keep learning! Ha~ But we are happy to learn and try. I made this roasted pork ribs with radish today and found that its beauty is that it is refreshing and not greasy, and it is also a delicious meal~"


Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots

1. Wash the ribs.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

2. Boil the water for 3 minutes.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

3. Prepare green onions, ginger, and garlic.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

4. Finely chop green onion, ginger, garlic and sharp pepper.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

5. Pour a little oil in the wok, add the onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, and sharp chili until fragrant.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

6. Pour in the good ribs and stir fry for a while.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

7. Add cooking wine, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, sugar, pepper and salt, stir-fry evenly, and add enough hot water. It is advisable to have spare ribs. Bring to a boil, turn to low heat, cover and simmer for 1 hour.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

8. Peel the white radish and wash.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

9. Cut the hob block for use.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

10. After the ribs are simmered for 1 hour, add the radish cubes.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

11. After boiling again, turn to low heat and simmer for about 20 minutes. Add a little chicken essence to season before serving.

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe

12. Those who like ribs can try this method, it's really delicious and not greasy! Those who like pork ribs rice should definitely not miss it~

Braised Pork Ribs with Carrots recipe


Reminder: White radish is rich in vitamin C and zinc, which can strengthen the body's immunity. Pairing with ribs can just neutralize the coldness of radish, which is suitable for most people. And radish can help digestion and relieve greasy, the combination of the two is a perfect combination!


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