Broad Bean Braised Rice

Broad Bean Braised Rice

by Soybean family

4.6 (1)







Broad beans are native to the Mediterranean coast, from southwest Asia to North Africa. Broad beans have been cultivated in China for more than 2,100 years. Broad beans are called differently in different places. Chongqing and Sichuan are also called Hudou;
Broad bean braised rice is a local snack in Yunnan. It requires less ingredients and is simple to prepare. It can be said to be a delicacy that everyone can make. Not only the locals like to eat it, but many friends around also like to eat it. Broad beans are rich in nutritional value and contain 8 kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body. This season is the best time to eat broad beans, so I hurriedly bought some and made this broad bean braised rice before going down the market.
Braised rice is very popular with "lazy people". No need to open fire, no oil, no salt, just put the prepared ingredients into the rice cooker and press a button to get it done. In the past, when making this type of braised rice, the vegetables were fried in the pot in advance. This time, the process of frying is omitted, which is simpler and saves time. Working hard during the day and getting home for a busy day, cooking a pot of stewed rice with vegetables, meat and rice for the family is very trouble-free, and the family is also very happy to eat.
The authentic broad bean braised rice is made with a mixture of bacon, broad beans and rice. This time I directly replaced the bacon with wide-flavored sausages. The taste and taste were also unanimously appreciated by my family.
Reference Serving Size: 4 servings Tool: Zhenmi Desugar Rice Cooker"


Broad Bean Braised Rice

1. Prepare the tools and ingredients, peel off the shell of fresh broad beans;

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

2. After washing the rice with clean water, put it on the steaming grid of Zhenmi rice cooker, and then slowly add an appropriate amount of clean water, the amount of water is about less than 1cm of the height of the rice;

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

3. Peel off the outer layer of broad bean and wash it;

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

4. Wash the wide-flavored sausages with warm water and cut them into small pieces about 1 cm thick with a knife;

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

5. Mix the cut wide-flavored sausages and cleaned broad beans into the Zhenmi rice cooker and spread;

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

6. Close the lid of the Zhenmi rice cooker, turn on the power, select the "steamed rice" button, and the steaming time is automatically set to 22 minutes. You can click "+" to increase the steaming time;

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

7. After selection, the rice cooker will start cooking;

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

8. After 22 minutes, the rice cooker will jump to the heat preservation state. After turning off the power, do not open the lid in a hurry, and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes;

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

9. Rice soup separated from steamed rice;

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

10. Steamed broad bean stew rice;

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe


1. It is recommended to buy broad beans in shell, eat them and peel them when you go home. Such broad beans are fresher and have a good taste;
2. The amount of rice used in the steaming process is adjusted according to the population eating at home. The wide-flavored sausages are mainly used for decoration, and you can put some appropriately;
3. The wide-flavored sausage is made of marinated pork and has its own salty taste. There is no need to add edible oil and salt during the cooking process, so that the cooked rice has a little salty taste and is more healthy to eat. Friends who like to eat heavy flavors can put sausages and broad beans in a pot with cooking oil and salt and stir-fry until they are five mature, then put them in a rice cooker and cook with rice;


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