Cereal Walnut Toast

Cereal Walnut Toast

by Food·Color

4.8 (1)







Last time I forgot to add oatmeal soup, it turned into molasses walnut toast. Unwilling to die, do it again. Sure enough, it's quite different. The soup makes the dough that lacks moisture much softer, which is the familiar feel. The soup has given enough moisture to the dough, and the baked bread is softer and more elastic than the molasses walnut toast from that dry zone.
However, the dough is considered good, but the baking is awkward. ——I think I have lowered the irritation, so you don’t have to worry too much about the issue of over-coloring. I delayed for a while on other matters, but turned back to find that the color on the surface could no longer be heavy. Hurry up and turn off the heat, be patient and bake for a long time, while wondering if the bottom will be devastating. In the end, it was demoulded, only to find that the background color was just right. This frantic oven is always so poisonous. . . "

Cereal Walnut Toast

1. Soup: 20 grams of instant oatmeal, 50 grams of water

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

2. Pour the oatmeal and water into the pot,

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

3. Stir well

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

4. Heat on a small fire, stir constantly to form a dough, and remove

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

5. After cooling, seal with plastic wrap, refrigerate for 60 minutes and set aside

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

6. Dough: 250 grams of high-gluten flour, 20 grams of fine sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, 20 grams of milk powder, 20 grams of black molasses, 120 grams of water, 15 grams of butter, and 60 grams of walnuts

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

7. Decoration: 25 grams of walnuts, 10 grams of sugar

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

8. Pour the soup and the dough ingredients except walnuts and butter into a large bowl

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

9. Knead into a uniform dough, add butter

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

10. Continue to knead to pull the film

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

11. Add chopped walnuts

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

12. Knead well, put in a large bowl, and start basic fermentation

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

13. Chopped walnuts for decoration, pour in granulated sugar

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

14. Mix well and set aside

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

15. Dough fermentation is complete

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

16. Exhaust, round, relax for 15 minutes

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

17. Roll into a 20X15 cm rectangle

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

18. Rolled into a cylindrical shape

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

19. Put it in a toast box for final fermentation

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

20. The dough grows to 9 minutes full, and the surface is brushed with egg wash

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

21. Sprinkle with walnut candies

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

22. Put it in the oven, middle and lower level, fire 180 degrees up and down, bake for about 30 minutes

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

23. Colored on the surface, baked

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

24. Demold immediately

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe

25. Slice and serve after cooling

Cereal Walnut Toast recipe


If the surface is completely colored during the baking process, you can reduce the heat or cover with tin foil to prevent the color from being too dark.
Walnuts do not need to be roasted before use.
The baking time and temperature need to be adjusted according to the actual situation of the oven.


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