Cereals Porridge

Cereals Porridge

by smile8261

4.7 (1)







Miscellaneous grains usually refer to grain and soybean crops other than the five major crops of rice, wheat, corn, soybeans and potatoes. Mainly include: sorghum, millet, buckwheat (sweet buckwheat, tartary buckwheat), oats (naked oats), barley, millet, millet, coix seed, amaranth and kidney beans (kidney beans), mung beans, adzuki beans (red adzuki beans, adzuki beans), Broad beans, peas, cowpeas, lentils (lentils), black beans, etc. It is characterized by short growing period, small planting area, special planting area, low yield, and generally rich in nutrients.


Cereals Porridge

1. Put all the main ingredients in the container, mix and wash (I usually wash three times).

Cereals Porridge recipe

2. After washing, soak in water, usually for more than 3 hours, so that the cooked multigrain porridge will be soft and tasty (I usually soak before going to bed the day before)

Cereals Porridge recipe

3. Excipients ready

Cereals Porridge recipe

4. After soaking, mix the main ingredients and auxiliary ingredients, put them in the rice cooker, add water, and reach the scale 2

Cereals Porridge recipe

5. Just choose porridge/soup.

Cereals Porridge recipe


Special reminder: Pay attention to the rice cooker to cook porridge, you can open the lid to observe, do not wait for the rice cooker to stop automatically, so as not to cook the porridge too dry


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