Cheese Sausage Baked Rice

Cheese Sausage Baked Rice

by Diners 14404017331214317762

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Cheese Sausage Baked Rice

1. Wash all the ingredients and cut them into small pieces

Cheese Sausage Baked Rice recipe

2. Melt the butter in a hot pan and sauté the sausages

Cheese Sausage Baked Rice recipe

3. After a while, add mushrooms and diced onions, etc.

Cheese Sausage Baked Rice recipe

4. Finally add rice and stir fry

Cheese Sausage Baked Rice recipe

5. Put the fried rice into a baking bowl

Cheese Sausage Baked Rice recipe

6. Spread diced tomatoes

Cheese Sausage Baked Rice recipe

7. Sprinkle with shredded mozzarella cheese at the end

Cheese Sausage Baked Rice recipe

8. Preheat the oven at 200 degrees, bake the middle layer for 10 minutes, and the cheese will melt. Then continue to bake at 180 degrees for 8 minutes, the cheese will change color, and it will be boring for a while.

Cheese Sausage Baked Rice recipe


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