Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs

Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs

by Forgotten↘Layla●

4.7 (1)







The Trimble cherry trial provided by Suning Tesco, three kilograms of cherries, made me think about doing some interesting topics. I don’t like baking, but it’s fun to make afternoon tea or snacks for parties. Just look at the name, it’s biscuits + cream + cherries, done! In order to increase the taste, blueberry sauce is added and cocoa-flavored cream is added. It is not recommended to choose hard biscuits, just make them crispy and delicate. "


Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs

1. Materials are ready.

Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs recipe

2. Cut the cherries with a knife, twist them in half, and remove the pits.

Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs recipe

3. Whip the cream and set aside.

Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs recipe

4. Use a piping bag to squeeze a sprinkle of cream on the biscuit.

Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs recipe

5. Decorate two and a half cherries with a little jam. One of the cherries has a handle so that it looks more three-dimensional.

Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs recipe

6. The other is to mix cream chocolate and cocoa powder into the cream to make cocoa-flavored cream. Use two biscuits to sandwich the cream to make a sandwich biscuits.

Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs recipe

7. Squeeze some cocoa cream on top of the sandwich biscuits.

Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs recipe

8. Decorate with a whole cherry to finish.

Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs recipe

9. Arrange the plate neatly.

Cherry Cream Sandwich Eclairs recipe


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