Chicken Shaved Tofu

Chicken Shaved Tofu

by Fable 7656

4.8 (1)







When making yongdoufu tofu, cut off some irregular corners, put it aside and look at it, it's a pity, make a chicken grated tofu!
Chicken grated tofu, a very simple dish, is to stir-fry the tofu with eggs and northern tofu together, and the tofu is fried like a chicken grated. This dish tastes salty and fresh, the recipe is simple and easy to learn, and it is also a good meal!


Chicken Shaved Tofu

1. Ingredients: northern tofu, eggs, chives, green onions

Chicken Shaved Tofu recipe

2. Beat the eggs into a bowl, chop the green onions and chives separately

Chicken Shaved Tofu recipe

3. Heat a pan with cold oil, add chopped green onions and stir fry.

Chicken Shaved Tofu recipe

4. After sautéing the green onions, add tofu. (Large pieces of tofu can be broken by hand)

Chicken Shaved Tofu recipe

5. Stir fry constantly, and crush the tofu with a hand spatula. (This step takes three or four minutes to stir-fry, and the water vapor in the tofu should be stir-fried out)

Chicken Shaved Tofu recipe

6. Stir-fry the tofu water vapor, beat in the beaten eggs and continue to stir-fry.

Chicken Shaved Tofu recipe

7. Stir fry until the egg is solidified, add some salt to taste.

Chicken Shaved Tofu recipe

8. Add a little pepper and continue to stir fry evenly

Chicken Shaved Tofu recipe

9. Stir-fry evenly, turn off the heat, add chopped shallots and mix well with the remaining temperature.

Chicken Shaved Tofu recipe


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