Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams

by grace's soft time

4.9 (1)







Chocolate biscuit sticks-children’s colorful dreams"


Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams

1. Prepare the ingredients, sift the flour, mix the powdered sugar and salt through the sieve, soften the butter, and beat the eggs

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

2. Mix the softened butter with powdered sugar and salt

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

3. Add eggs and mix well

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

4. Add vanilla extract and mix well

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

5. Sift in low powder and stir evenly. (It’s hard to control the dough in hot weather. You can put it in the refrigerator before rolling it out. I just spread the dough on the plastic wrap, roll it out, and put it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

6. Take out the dough and cut into strips according to your needs.

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

7. Get chocolates and candies

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

8. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees, fire up and down, middle level, about 15-18 minutes, bake until the surface is slightly yellow. Put the chocolate bowl on the oven and melt the chocolate while baking the biscuits. The thief can kill two birds with one stone. But it is not recommended, this is only feasible for me as a junior rookie!

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

9. After the biscuits are baked, let them cool, and dip them in a bowl of melted chocolate

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

10. Mass production

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

11. Sprinkle sugar pins on the chocolate-dipped cookies

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

12. Put it on the drying net to cool off

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

13. 1

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

14. 2

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

15. 3

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe

16. Pack the box after it's cold

Chocolate Biscuit Sticks-children's Colorful Dreams recipe


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