Chopped Pepper Fish Head

Chopped Pepper Fish Head

by yangxr

4.7 (1)







Chopped pepper fish head is made with silver carp head and chopped pepper as the main ingredients, and steamed with soy sauce, ginger, green onions, garlic and other auxiliary materials. The dishes are bright red in color, strong in flavor, and tender in meat. Fat but not greasy, soft and waxy, fresh and spicy. "


Chopped Pepper Fish Head

1. Cut the fish head apart and wash, add a spoonful of white wine and appropriate amount of salt and pepper to marinate for 20 minutes.

Chopped Pepper Fish Head recipe

2. Chop the wild pepper and set aside, prepare the chili sauce, minced garlic, minced ginger, and chopped green onion.

Chopped Pepper Fish Head recipe

3. Heat 80% of the oil, pour in chopped pepper sauce, wild mountain pepper, minced ginger, garlic and stir fry. Add steamed fish soy sauce and two spoons of sugar and stir-fry to make a sauce for later use.

Chopped Pepper Fish Head recipe

4. Spread the bottom with sliced ginger, green onion, and red pepper.

Chopped Pepper Fish Head recipe

5. Put the fish head on the sliced ginger and green onion, put it in the pot and steam for about 8 minutes.

Chopped Pepper Fish Head recipe

6. Pour out the soda in the dish, pour the sauce over and continue steaming for about 8 minutes.

Chopped Pepper Fish Head recipe

7. Sprinkle with chopped green onion and drizzle with hot oil. It's ready to be plated out.

Chopped Pepper Fish Head recipe


After eating the fish head, add a bit of noodles, it is absolutely delicious.


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