Cilantro Broth

Cilantro Broth

by hlybb

4.6 (1)







Cilantro soup is a therapeutic soup to dispel coughs. When I was a child, my mother would boil this soup for me when I coughed, saying that it has the effect of auxiliary treatment. Now that I grow up, I take care of my daughter in this way. , Also very delicious.


Cilantro Broth

1. Dice the lean meat, mince the minced meat

Cilantro Broth recipe

2. Horseshoe peeled and sliced

Cilantro Broth recipe

3. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot, put the horseshoes together and cook first

Cilantro Broth recipe

4. Wash the coriander and drain

Cilantro Broth recipe

5. Wash the coriander head and put it in water and boil it first

Cilantro Broth recipe

6. Chop the rest of the coriander and chop the meat for a while

Cilantro Broth recipe

7. Sprinkle in sweet potato flour and salt. You can use more flour. I have too little of it. The minced meat will spread easily after cooking.

Cilantro Broth recipe

8. Use a knife to hold up the minced meat, and use chopsticks to put it in the freshly boiled water.

Cilantro Broth recipe

9. After putting all the meat out, bring it to the boil, cook it on low heat for 5-8 minutes, you can eat it

Cilantro Broth recipe


If you have green olives, you can also put three or five in and boil them together, the effect is better.


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