Colloidal Tremella Soup

Colloidal Tremella Soup

by Black cat sheriff kitchen

4.8 (1)







Colloidal white fungus soup, rich in materials, combined with white fungus, wild rice, snow swallows, peach gum, medlar, and coix seed, the taste is soft and waxy, and it is boiled in a pot to nourish and nourish in the cold season.


Colloidal Tremella Soup

1. Prepare materials.

Colloidal Tremella Soup recipe

2. Snow swallow, peach gum, and wild rice should be soaked one night in advance, and Tremella can be soaked one hour in advance.

Colloidal Tremella Soup recipe

3. Pour proper amount of water into the health pot, pour peach gum, white fungus, coix seed and wild rice first, and choose the white fungus soup function.

Colloidal Tremella Soup recipe

4. Tremella soup in the process of braising.

Colloidal Tremella Soup recipe

5. The snow swallow is crystal clear after soaking.

Colloidal Tremella Soup recipe

6. When the function prompt has 15 minutes to complete, add the soaked snow swallows and cook together.

Colloidal Tremella Soup recipe

7. Then add wolfberry and rock sugar to complete the white fungus soup function.

Colloidal Tremella Soup recipe


The ingredients are up to your personal preference. Both wild rice and coix seed taste QQ. I personally like this combination, and wild rice contains crude fiber, which is very suitable for female friends. You can't put the snow swallows in advance, they will melt into water after cooking for a long time, so just add them 10 minutes before completion.


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