Colorful Salt and Pepper Shrimp (free Fried Version)

Colorful Salt and Pepper Shrimp (free Fried Version)

by Jianierrrrrr

4.6 (1)








Colorful Salt and Pepper Shrimp (free Fried Version)

1. Wash the shrimps, drain them, and pickle them with a little cooking wine and salt to taste. Cut the red pepper, orange pepper and courgette into small pieces, and cut the onion into pieces.

Colorful Salt and Pepper Shrimp (free Fried Version) recipe

2. Add oil to the hot pan, pour in onions and stir-fry until soft and transparent. Then add the cut red peppers, orange peppers and squash, and stir fry until cooked.

Colorful Salt and Pepper Shrimp (free Fried Version) recipe

3. Add a pinch of salt to taste, set aside and set aside

Colorful Salt and Pepper Shrimp (free Fried Version) recipe

4. In a separate oil pan, add a little oil and fry the marinated shrimps until they change color.

Colorful Salt and Pepper Shrimp (free Fried Version) recipe

5. Pour in the cooked vegetables and stir fry together.

Colorful Salt and Pepper Shrimp (free Fried Version) recipe

6. Add appropriate amount of salt and pepper powder to ensure even stir fry.

Colorful Salt and Pepper Shrimp (free Fried Version) recipe

7. Finally, add salt to taste, and it can be out of the pan.

Colorful Salt and Pepper Shrimp (free Fried Version) recipe


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