Condensed Milk Shredded Bread

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread

by Heidi Che

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Recently, the weather has been hot and my lazy cancer has attacked. Today, at the beginning of autumn, I will be resurrected with full blood.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread

1. 1. Put all the ingredients in the dough except the butter into the bucket of the bread machine for kneading.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

2. 2. Marshmallow is this kind of liquid.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

3. 3. When the dough is kneaded to the expansion stage (that is, when the dough can pull out a thicker film), add butter and continue kneading.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

4. 4. After adding the butter, knead to the fully expanded stage (that is, the dough can pull out a thin and flexible fascia), and carry out basic fermentation.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

5. 5. While fermenting, melt the condensed milk and butter into a liquid, stir well and set aside.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

6. 6. When the dough is twice as large as the original dough, the basic fermentation is over.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

7. 7. The dough is relatively soft, sprinkle some hand powder, and roll the dough into a rectangular shape.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

8. 8. Use a brush to spread the applied material evenly on the dough sheet, and use the rest for use.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

9. 9. Divide the dough into five parts with a spatula.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

10. 10. Fold the noodles together.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

11. 11. Divide equally into six parts.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

12. 12. Place the dough sheet into the mold as shown in the picture.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

13. 13. There is no problem with fermentation at room temperature now, and a lid is placed on it for secondary fermentation.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

14. 14. When the dough rises to twice its original volume, it is fine.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

15. 15. At this time, set the COUSS electric oven and heat up and down at 100 80 degrees for 25 minutes. After setting, close the oven door and the oven will work automatically. After preheating, the buzzer will sound and you can bake.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

16. 16. While the oven is preheating, we pour the remaining spreading material on the surface of the bread.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

17. 17. After the oven is preheated, put the bread in, close the oven door, and give everything to Cus

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe

18. 18. Once out of the oven, the fragrant shredded bread is ready. Sifting powdered sugar on the surface will taste even better.

Condensed Milk Shredded Bread recipe


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